Mind the gap

**Image by Carl Richards, Buck’s Blog at the NYT. Check out the blog for more simple yet powerful investment messages. Behavior dominates investor under performance. As the simple yet powerful chart above so nicely illustrates investor returns are lower than the very investment classes they are invested in regardless of Read more…

The power of dividends

I think I’ve made it pretty clear that dividend investing is the basis of my investment strategy. Why is that? Well, to summarize; dividends provide higher returns (see this post), dividends enhance returns during bear markets (see this post), dividends account for most of world wide stock market returns (see Read more…

The magic dividend formula

What if I told you that there was a way to glimpse into the future? To somewhat accurately estimate the future returns on your investments? Well, with dividend investingĀ  there is a way. Its called the Gordon Growth Model or as I like to call it, the Magic Dividend Formula. Read more…