Comparing Portfolio Performance (1973 To 2017)

This is a long overdue book keeping post updating statistics for the various portfolios that I track. All portfolio stats were gather using AllocateSmartly, P123, and the wonder that is Excel. Obviously there are a lot more portfolios. This is just a sampling. Go to AllocateSmartly for more on all kinds of […]

Retirement hysteria strikes again

It must be that time of the year again. Retirement hysteria time. Usually in the new year I start seeing a slew of articles on how your retirement is at risk, how you cannot possibly retire now, and the theme for the last few years – how high stock market […]


This page is a list of the various portfolios I frequently talk about on the blog, along with links to the portfolio source material and/or my posts describing the portfolios. I also have three sub pages. One has the daily status of the GTAA13, AGG3, and AGG3 portfolios, and one […]

Maybe you should be in 100% cash

This post has nothing to do with asset prices, valuation, or timing the market as the title may have led you to believe. It has to do with investor psychology and behavior. Over the years I’ve wondered if certain types of people would be happier if they didn’t invest in anything […]

Future returns and their impact on SWRs

Today I wanted to talk about the forecasting of future returns and more importantly what implications future returns have for SWRs (Safe Withdrawal Rates). As I showed in my last post, the first 10 year period real return in retirement is the best predictor of SWRs for 30 year retirement […]