The greatest test of the 4% rule in history

We are living through the greatest test of the 4% safe withdrawal rate in history. Sounds like a big overarching statement but that’s what the data tells me.  A little over a year ago I questioned whether or not the year 2000 retiree would be the first to destroy the […]

The worst times to retire in history

The safe withdrawal rate (SWR) that I’ve discussed in several posts (here, here, here) is a great tool to use for retirement planning and once in retirement. I’ve presented a range of SWRs from the super conservative 4% that has worked 100% of the time to the slightly more aggressive […]

Higher retirement spending by staying flexible

In earlier posts I’ve covered how much it takes to retire, the safe withdrawal rate (SWR), and one method of increasing the safe withdrawal rate. Today I wanted to cover the method I use to increase my SWR significantly without taking on any more risk. Sounds exciting huh? Well, maybe […]

How much does it take to retire?

The primary theme of this blog is how to live off your retirement assets. But first one needs to accumulate enough assets to retire. So, for my inaugural post, I’ll address how to determine how much you need to retire. This can be quite a complex topic which I’ll come […]