Fairfax Financial vs Berkshire Hathaway

When people talk about Fairfax Financial and its chairman Prem Watsa, the description used most often is the ‘ Warren Buffett/Berkshire of Canada’. This is fitting in many ways as the companies are in similar lines of business, insurance, and have impressive investment track records. But how do they compare Read more…

Fairfax Financial 2012 results update

It’s been a long time since I’ve written about Fairfax Financial. Last time was in October 2011 (see here for previous posts). Fairfax recently held their annual shareholder meeting which had some great information about the company, its results, and why it is a good investment. I’ll discuss some of Read more…

Fairfax Q2 2011 results

My apologies for the lack of posting lately. I’ve had some significant repair issues with the RV and have been spending most of my time at a repair shop and re-routing travel plans for the next 2 months. So, I figured I’d jump in with a post on my favorite Read more…

Recent happenings in income land

I’m finally back from my exile in the woods. I would recommend the Gila National Forest in Southwestern New Mexico to anyone who wants a bit of peace and quiet. Now back to the business of income investing. There has been a lot going on in income investor land recently. Read more…