How Does Crypto Pulse Work?

What we’re doing with Crypto Pulse is relatively straightforward at a high level – applying classic trend following principles to crypto in a 100% purely quantitative approach. That’s it. Trend following has been shown to work across all kinds of markets; equities, bonds, commodities, futures and to no ones surprise it also works with crypto. And as you’ll see below it is remarkably effective. But as with anything that seems simple at a high level there are a lot of pitfalls and little details that need to be accounted for.
What Strategies Do We Offer?
To get this service started we have introduced three strategies that are focused on the top 2 Crypto Assets, BTCUSD and ETHUSD.
This first strategy is called Top Crypto Trend. This strategy invests in both BTC and ETH on an equal weight basis when risk-on and IEF or BIL when risk-off. It uses a proprietary daily TREND signal to make the risk-on, risk-off decisions. There are also individual strategies that apply the TREND signal to just BTC (BTC Trend) and ETH (ETH Trend). These three strategies make up the core of our Crypto models. They are also the easiest to trade, especially with the introduction of the Bitcoin SPOT ETFs in 2024, for example IBIT and FBTC. Below are the historical returns for these trend following strategies vs buy and hold crypto.

As you can clearly see from the table the trend following approach to crypto outperforms buy and hold on every metric. More importantly these results are not just from back-tests. These base models have been running live since the beginning of 2022 and are a great way to access crypto for the majority of investors.
We also have several systems in development (beta) that go outside of the top 2 Cryptos, BTC and ETH, and explore trend following in more than the other 200 Cryptos that are currently available.
What Are The Benefits of Crypto Pulse?
The advantages of a quantitative approach to Crypto are significant both in terms of absolute numbers and overall portfolio management, as you can clearly see in the performance table above. The specific benefits to the investor over buying and holding Crypto are:
- Higher absolute returns
- Higher risk-adjusted returns
- Less work
- Less noise. Eliminates many behavioral biases that cause investors to fail.
- Limited trading (about 3 times per year)
The models are tracked daily in real-time and email and website alerts are published whenever a trade takes place.
What’s Included In The Subscription
Crypto Pulse includes the following features:

The 3 base crypto trend strategies listed above based on trend following principles

A Crypto Momentum overlay (in beta) that eliminates the work of picking which up and coming Cryptos to invest and enhances returns while keeping risk in check

Real-time tracking and trade alerts

Monthly updates, monthly subscriber calls, and a member forum to post and answer questions and discuss investment topics with other subscribers
Crypto Pulse
- 3 base investment strategies
- Monthly update
- Monthly subscriber call
- Member forums

Crypto Pulse provides a total solution that allows you to make crypto trading a key part of your investment strategy for only $65/mo or $600 for an annual subscription (a 23% discount). If you’re interested in the benefits of a quantitative approach to Crypto that I described at the outset then Crypto Pulse is for you.