Model Investor Portfolios

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GTAA Based Portfolios

On Sep 23, 2020 I changed the datasource from FINVIZ to Tiingo. The Google sheet below contains all of the asset classes described in Meb Faber’s GTAA 13 portfolio. Those asset classes are also the base for his more aggressive trend following portfolios AGG3 and AGG6. For more information on these portfolios […]


This page is a list of the various portfolios I frequently talk about on the blog, along with links to the portfolio source material and/or my posts describing the portfolios. I also have three sub pages. One has the daily status of the GTAA13, AGG3, and AGG3 portfolios, and one […]

Tips for trading ETFs in TAA portfolios

I get a lot of questions about the mechanics of buying and selling the ETFs that comprise the tactical asset allocation (TAA) portfolios that I discuss on the blog. In this post I’ll address some common concerns and issues with respect to ETFs and share some tips for trading them […]

Comparing buy & hold, TAA, and quant portfolios

In my recent overview post on the landscape of available buy and hold portfolios, I said I would come back with a comparison of all the portfolio types; buy and hold, tactical asset allocation (TAA), and quant investing portfolios. Here is that comparison. I’m pretty sure I’ve discussed all the […]

Estimating worst case SWRs for modern portfolios

One of the challenges in dealing with modern portfolios like the Permanent Portfolio, the various IVY portfolios, Risk Parity portfolios, etc is the lack of long term historical data. Most of the modern portfolio data for a broad range of asset classes only goes back to 1973. The period from […]

Putting together quant portfolios

One of the more overlooked areas of quantitative investing is how to integrate quant strategies into a diversified portfolio. Let’s look at a few of the issues involved and some possible solutions. I’ve discussed the big allocation decision already, i.e. how much to put into quant strategies vs bonds already. I […]